

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cross Country

Ive been off dooly daddiling around. i some how forget to post about cross country, thats right peeps, im a runner ;D
  Today was the last meet; Districts. i didnt get into districts :,( but i still went. WE GOT 1ST PLACE FOR 5TH AND 6TH GRADE GIRLS, AND RUNNER UP FOR 7TH AND 8TH GRADE BOYS!!! so close with 5th and 6th boys. ;(

    i was hanging around with jessica. we were cheering everyone on, chugging gatorade (the blue kind), guarding other people's stuff (ipads, ipods, phones...) and running. We did really good this season. i'll probably get to storm the halls (where you walk down all the halls of the school with  music and people cheering you) with the team. im going to list every person on the team and what grade their in so i dont forget.

  Nikki- 6th grade (plus she got 1st place every single meet)
  Emily-6th Grade (2nd place every meet and one of the triplets)
  Abbie- 6th grade (3rd place every meet)
  Sydney- 6th grade (4th place in two meets, 6th or 7th in the rest)
  Lizzie- 6th grade (5th place one meet, 10th-15th in the others and one of the triplets)
  Leslie- 6th grade (10th-20th in all the meets and one of the triplets)
  Emma- 6th grade (20ths-30th every meet)
  Alexis- 6th grade (10th-25th in all the meets)
  MEE- 5th grade (i did pretty good, my best place was 32nd ;D)
  Jessica- 5th grade (she did pretty good too)
 Yasmeen- 5th grade (she did pretty good too)
  Ashley- 5th grade (didnt make all the meets but pretty good)
  Grace- 7th grade (didnt make most the meets but got 10th-20th when she came)
  Carolyn- 8th grade (made only one meet and did good)
  Braden- 5th grade (pretty good)
  Sawyer- 5th grade (pretty good)
  Colton- 5th grade (6th was his best, so pretty good)
  Derek- 5th grade (never made one meet but hes REALLY FAST AND COULD HAVE GOTTEN LIKE 5TH)
  Little John-6th grade (he's really fast, hes good)
  Big John-6th grade (not as fast as LJ, but pretty good)
  Dylan\Gavin-6th grade (pretty fast)
  Aaron- 6th grade(no clue)
  Jake- 6th grade (good, i think)
  Josh- 7th or 8th grade (pretty good)
  Anthony (i think)- 7th grade (pretty good)
  Some kid unknown grade or time
  Cole- 8th grade (pretty good)
  Zay- 8th grade (pretty good)
  Zane- 7th grade (pretty good)
  Jay- 8th grade )pretty good
  Carson 7th grade (good)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

more stuff

i got back from outdoor ed on oct. 3rd. it was fun. we square danced and cooked with dutch ovens, did an egg drop (our egg survived the drop), had a free wildish dance thing, ate the BEST food in the camp cafeteria, did compasses (i didnt like), did Kinects (i didnt like), and more. we got the best cabin, no doubt. it was called Taylor Lodge. it was a giant log cabin with three stories;most cabins only had 1 story. we had a basement where most people slept, and upstairs, where i slept. it was nicer and less crowded down stairs. one thing is, no roaches upstairs. :)
            yesterday we went to Mortimer Family Farms. it was fun. we petted cows and goats and lambs, climbed up this ginormous web thing, which was like a bunch of thin black strings dangling everywhere and you had to climb up maybe 6-8 flights of them to reach the big slide, we waited in line for a bungee jump thing, but the line was about 3 hours after 30 minutes of standing there. >:( we got kettlecorn and did the hardest maze there. dont tell anyone, but YES, we did peel a few corns of their stocks and rip their skin off. :) we saw a giant grasshopper, who was poisnous, and ate its own kind. *barf*
              so looks like ive been having fun! i went to maddie's 1st gym meet. she did pretty good. :)
but i left my iPod in her mom's purse. better get her back today.

               i will post more when more....interesting...stuff happens! ;) hah, those are ACTION pictures that zack took of me jumping. :Dim a high jumper, huh?

Sunday, September 30, 2012


hey so when i did that post about me as u could tell those pics were like from third grade fyi im in 5th grade now. so i upoloaded my iPod touch pictures to the computer so ill post some more updated pics now, of me, mostly me, me my awesome self and i, and my brothers. >_< so just look at them below!

 Thats right were awesome u got this oooohhh yeahhh
anyways, im just sitting here like a slump. later im gonna go get some stuff for Outdoor Ed. just travel size shampoo\conditiner and toothpaste and soap and stuffff. the rest of the day i dont actually think were doing something so ill blog. stayy toooooooooooonnnnnneeeeddd!

Flower Girl

I'm gonna be the flower girl again! Yesterday at almost 4, Trisha and Micah walked up to the door. Trisha handed me a vase of daisies which had a note sticking out of it. It said,
When I was just a little girl,

About the size of you,

I dreamed one day I'd fall in love

And then get married, too.

So now that I am all grown up,

About to be a bride,

I want you for my flower girl

To be right by my side.

For it is common knowledge that

A wedding's not complete,

Without a pretty flower girl

Like you, who's dear and sweet.

Will you be our flower girl?
She wrote the poem herself. I said "Yes!" and then Trisha smiled and handed me one of those cookie cakes from Paradise Bakery that said Flower Girl in pink and white frosting. Little pink and white flowers were on the outside. Here is a picture of the note and flowers I don't have a picture of the cookie, though. But check it out on Instagram! if ya know me, of course. Zack and Zane are the ring bearers. They got the same cookie except it said Ring Bearer and had white and blue flowers and writing instead of white and pink. This will be my 6th wedding that I'm the flower girl in! I'm sooooo excited! Just a couple more months....April 26th 2013. feels long, but Trisha and Micah said it would go by fast with all the planning they have to do. I'm soooo exicted! Their wedding is country themed, gotta get my lasso on. Hahah. I'll post more soon

Friday, September 28, 2012

Oh yeah

Well....5th grade goes by quick. The whole grade is going on a trip next Monday (three days) to Prescott to camp. It's called Outdoor Ed. We camp in cabins, have campfires, hike, and explore. As y'all (hee hee i said y'all) Kaelyn fans know, I love love love taking pictures! So....BE PREPARED. If you dare. Mwah-hahah. Anyways, this year is totally rocking the rockstar boots. oh yeah. today my throat hurts (i think because i used it too hard) and my stomachs been cramping all the live long dayyy. :,(
Hey...but I'll be healthy as a mongoose (if those things are healthy) by the time of Outdoor Ed. Dang...I want a Heath Bar so bad now! Hold please... POOEY. I cant have a Heath bar cuz i wanted daddy to just pick it up on his way home from work but its his last day at Parr because HE GOT A NEW JOB AS A FIREFIGHTER, WOO HOO, DADDY and so he has to unpack all his stuff out of his office. thats probably a lot considering how long he worked there. which all adds up to this sum: no heath bar. cuz daddy is gonna get home LATE. but yesterday when moma called from frys and asked if me and zack wanted anything and we wanted ice cream. she got ice cream hold on brb... ok back. anyways, so yeah, she got ice cream. its not that good. peppermint. well the ice cream part is good, just tastes like vanilla or something, but the little specks of peppermint everywhere are uck. so, ill post more later, my beloved Kaelynators!


:,(= little crying face
Kaelynator=my fans name
brb= be right back
mwah-hahah=evil laugh
:*=kissy face


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer has ended :'(

School started again on August 8th. But still, even though it felt really short, summer was really awesome this year. I'm pretty sure I told you about everything but, just to clerify: My cousins Skyler and Logan flew in to see us with Logan's best friend Robbin. That was really really super duper really fun. Only two days after they got here, we went to California in a beach house. ;) It was very very really really super duper positively fun. We also went to Lake Powell which was also super duper positively very fun. But, I was sick most the time, which was a bummer. Anyways, school started and it's ok. We haven't done anything TOOO hard yet. :) Wish me luck!

*I will post soon. Probably. Maybe.*

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Time!

Well, it's summer and I am just a smidge later on updating my blog. I want to be able to look at this blog in my future, but I DO NOT want to spend every single second on it, considering I only get 2 hours of electronics for the summer. Which is good, but I don't want to waste that time on blogger. Anyways, I will just tell all about my basic summer now, and if a shocker event happens, I'll post about that...maybe. So, a big part of 2012's summer is Wet n Wild and how my family got a golden pass to that amazing water park so we could spend time there. Since we have the golden pass, there are Bring a Friend days in which you can bring a friend for.....FREEEE! We've been to a couple barbecues, and a couple more are in store to happen. Like 4th of July, which I will post about. :) Since all the kids on my mom's side of the family live here in the same area as us, we spend a lot of time with cousins and stuff. I am in piano, which is 8:45 every Monday morning. I am also in ice-skating, which is every Saturday morning at 9:45. I love both. I will see my cousins from out of the state sometime late in July, until early in August. I will post about that, too. I will also post about a house boat I am going on down a lake with more family. :) :) I am very exciting for all these events and I will post about that. Wish me luck on remembering! :) Until next time, :*

P.S. :*= a kiss goodbye face.