

Sunday, September 30, 2012


hey so when i did that post about me as u could tell those pics were like from third grade fyi im in 5th grade now. so i upoloaded my iPod touch pictures to the computer so ill post some more updated pics now, of me, mostly me, me my awesome self and i, and my brothers. >_< so just look at them below!

 Thats right were awesome u got this oooohhh yeahhh
anyways, im just sitting here like a slump. later im gonna go get some stuff for Outdoor Ed. just travel size shampoo\conditiner and toothpaste and soap and stuffff. the rest of the day i dont actually think were doing something so ill blog. stayy toooooooooooonnnnnneeeeddd!

Flower Girl

I'm gonna be the flower girl again! Yesterday at almost 4, Trisha and Micah walked up to the door. Trisha handed me a vase of daisies which had a note sticking out of it. It said,
When I was just a little girl,

About the size of you,

I dreamed one day I'd fall in love

And then get married, too.

So now that I am all grown up,

About to be a bride,

I want you for my flower girl

To be right by my side.

For it is common knowledge that

A wedding's not complete,

Without a pretty flower girl

Like you, who's dear and sweet.

Will you be our flower girl?
She wrote the poem herself. I said "Yes!" and then Trisha smiled and handed me one of those cookie cakes from Paradise Bakery that said Flower Girl in pink and white frosting. Little pink and white flowers were on the outside. Here is a picture of the note and flowers I don't have a picture of the cookie, though. But check it out on Instagram! if ya know me, of course. Zack and Zane are the ring bearers. They got the same cookie except it said Ring Bearer and had white and blue flowers and writing instead of white and pink. This will be my 6th wedding that I'm the flower girl in! I'm sooooo excited! Just a couple more months....April 26th 2013. feels long, but Trisha and Micah said it would go by fast with all the planning they have to do. I'm soooo exicted! Their wedding is country themed, gotta get my lasso on. Hahah. I'll post more soon

Friday, September 28, 2012

Oh yeah

Well....5th grade goes by quick. The whole grade is going on a trip next Monday (three days) to Prescott to camp. It's called Outdoor Ed. We camp in cabins, have campfires, hike, and explore. As y'all (hee hee i said y'all) Kaelyn fans know, I love love love taking pictures! So....BE PREPARED. If you dare. Mwah-hahah. Anyways, this year is totally rocking the rockstar boots. oh yeah. today my throat hurts (i think because i used it too hard) and my stomachs been cramping all the live long dayyy. :,(
Hey...but I'll be healthy as a mongoose (if those things are healthy) by the time of Outdoor Ed. Dang...I want a Heath Bar so bad now! Hold please... POOEY. I cant have a Heath bar cuz i wanted daddy to just pick it up on his way home from work but its his last day at Parr because HE GOT A NEW JOB AS A FIREFIGHTER, WOO HOO, DADDY and so he has to unpack all his stuff out of his office. thats probably a lot considering how long he worked there. which all adds up to this sum: no heath bar. cuz daddy is gonna get home LATE. but yesterday when moma called from frys and asked if me and zack wanted anything and we wanted ice cream. she got ice cream hold on brb... ok back. anyways, so yeah, she got ice cream. its not that good. peppermint. well the ice cream part is good, just tastes like vanilla or something, but the little specks of peppermint everywhere are uck. so, ill post more later, my beloved Kaelynators!


:,(= little crying face
Kaelynator=my fans name
brb= be right back
mwah-hahah=evil laugh
:*=kissy face