

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I tried!!!!!!

I tried to stay on task with my posts, I did, I really did. I am sorry, okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I did before, I will make a little sequence of what has happened this week. Enjoy! (I may or may not add something extra!!!!!!)

Monday- Walking home alone
Tuesday- Having fun at AM\PM with my friend that I hadn't seen at PM forever
Wednesday- Finding out that I got a 100 on my math test, Unit E
Thursday- Half Day and spending all day with Caleb, Uncle Quaid, and Aunt Jill
Friday- spending all night long in far out AZ with Trisha and Uncle Marlon (I am not telling u were in AZ bcuz that'd ruin something)

I have decided to post something extra. I am posting CamWow pictures. I will pick my top three favorite and put them below. U WILL CRACK UP WHEN U SEE THEM, NO JOKE!!!!! or maybe my top four because the one of Zane was so funny I couldnt resist

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ooops. Second Thanksgiving Post =(

I made a second blog, and that was the blog I accidently made my Thanksgiving Post on. Oh well, I will make a new one. Well, Happy Thanksgiving! What are you going to do today? I am heading over to my Aunt Joanna's house and we are spending Thanksgiving there. I hope you do whatever you are going to do with your family. So have a Happy Thanksgiving! Be thankful for family, food, shelter, water, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and everything else!

(I am just going to do a couple fun turkey pictures!)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Heya, guys. I am currently watching Victorious, but I am bored. So I thought I'd just tell you a bunch of things about the week. I'll name the day and say the biggest thing that happened that same day. =) =)

Monday-Getting to go home right after school
Tuesday- Running far at Recess
Wednesday- Having a great time at AM\PM
Thursday- Getting Circle K after school ad going to the football game with Uncle Marlon
Friday- No school! Veterans Day!
Saturday- Bike Riding and doing it alone very well
Sunday- Well, I haven't gotten there yet.

So, yeah! I have had a pretty good week. I'd like to update all of you about Mario Kart. It is a very awesome game and I learned how to unlock some people. But, it is only the people my dad hasn't unlocked.

Here they are. =)

Baby Daisy- attaining at least one start Rank for all 50cc Wii  Grand Prix Cups
Bowser Jr.- attaining a least 1 start Rank for all 100cc Retro Grand Prix Cups
Dry Bowser- obtaining at least one star rank for all 150cc Wii Grand Prix Cups
Rosalina- Super Mario Galaxy, save progilr on your Wii, win a cup
Funky Kong(which we unlocked today)- beating 4 expert Staff Ghosts Data in Time Trials
Baby Luigi- beating 8 expert staff ghost Data in Time Trials
Toadette- playing Time Trials on all 32 different courses. (even if your not good, play)

So, yeah! Have a fun time playing and stay tuned in my blog and also Mario Kart

Have a good week!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Micah is a little baby and he can't really answer questions because he is 1.

Color: Green and Blue
Animal: puppies
TV Show: Sid the Science Kid
Movie: Gulliver's Travels
Toy: Little toy cars
Stuffed Animal: owen
Angry Birds: Angry Birds Rio


This is Jonah's post. He is 4.

Color: Red
Animal: T-Rex
Movie: Gulliver's Travels
TV show: SpongeBob
Toy: Legos
Stuffed Animal: Panda and Dog
Angry Birds: Angry Birds Original

Jonah says one weird thing about him is: He randomly pulls faces!


Here is Elijah's post for the boys. He is 8 years old.

Color: Green
Animal: Frog
Movie: Star Wars
TV show: Sponge Bob
Toy: Lego Star Wars
Stuffed Animal: Owen
Website: none.
Angry Birds Game: Angry Birds Seasons

Elijah says one weird thing about him is: My class in Indiana hated me (says Elijah)

Grandma's House Play

I am at Grandma and Grandpa's house playing with my little cousin Jonah. He just shoved a blanket behind my back. Elijah just woke up and Mikey is eating. But Elijah offered coffee coa-coa and now Jonie is screaming "COA-COA!!!" and he won't stop. I guess this is a bad time for me because my awesome little cousins are having fun. XD!

Until Next time............
I will make posts on all the boys next! =)

Friday, September 2, 2011


this week we are watching another dog named Jack. i love jack except he just peed in the house =(

im really gona enjoy spending the week with this little guy!!!

3 day weekend, here i come!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Blog

since my gmail got hacked, (thank you computer hacking program) my old blog was tore apart. :( So I am making this new and improved blog to make up for my loss. So, nothing big has gone on lately, except for.......OH YEAH! school starts tomorrow. i had a big post on my summer of my old blog, but it was tored up, as i said before. =( So, just comment and I will make a new post on what your comment is about!!