

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I have more than one cousin, you know. Elijah, Jonah, and Micah were just 3. Now I am posting about Caleb, a 9 year old football player.

Color: Red
Animal: tie between Tasmanian devil and a mongoose
Video Game: Assassins Creed, Brotherhood
Angry Birds: Angry Birds Seasons
 One awkward thing about Caleb: I talk to myself on the toilet.....(says Caleb)
TV Show: Regular Show
Movie: Quantom of Solice 007

Caleb Wilson


Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday....the 13th

So, hi!!! I am posting at a weird time, an unusual time, a SCARY time. This time is Friday.....the 13th. Some say Freddy Cooger will appear in your closet. Some say Jason or whatver is spying on you. Others say people will.....die. I simply say it is a normal day, no different that Friday...the 12th, or Friday....the 11th. Besides, it is my Dad's birthday. Happy Birthday, Dadd-oh! You are 39!! But today, my 13th was different. Two people, at my school, in my grade, in my class, AT MY TABLE had bloody incidents. I am not gonna mention names here, so G=girl, and B=boy. I'll use those codes because the the incidents happened with a boy and girl. First, at P.E., we were playing Bean Bags, where you get the bean bags and chuck it at another's foot. G was very happy because she got someone REALLY quick and tricky out. In other words, her beanbag hit his foot. As G jumped, with joy she slipped on a Bean bag and fell to the tile floor. She banged her tooth and had to be rushed to the ER. blood was on the floor. G is okay. One tooth chipped and they got pushed up, so she has to wear a retainer, but we all made her cards, and she'll be okay. Can't wait to see her Monday!! The other one, B and I had to take the lunch bucket. We were both supposed to take it back to the classroom after out class got dismissed to go back to class. B forgot. I got it, but he forgot. Someone told B that he needed to get the bucket, and he ran. B ran fast. He tripped on a rock, and fell on one REALLY, REALLY hard. I saw him with his face buried in his arm. His knee was coated 2 inches with pure BLOOD. it looked like KETCHUP. he had to use a WHEELCHAIR to get to the nurse, and he went home too. I am lucky i wasn't the next victum at Table 3. Until next time....which will probably be several months.

P.S. My cousin caleb PUNCHED a pure HOLE in the HIGH QUALITY cardboard. Oucccch!!!!